Every effort has been made to ensure the heraldic accuracy and detail of each and every clan badge in our catalogue. When we began over 40 years ago, we consulted the highest Scottish authorities available to determine the proper size, weight and materials for the crest badges. The photograph shown on each clan crest page are enlarged to show the quality and detail of craftsmanship of our clan crest badges.
In recognition of the difficulties in converying to you a true measure of this quality, each badge is aaccompanied by a 30 day, unconditional satisfaction guarantee.
Please note that while we originally hand engraved mottoes onto badges that is no longer practical or economical. We currently use a computerized engraving machine which uses a Roman style font ensuring a uniform and consistent result. Some badge representations in our gallery may illustrate the older hand engraved mottoes but there are very few of these remaining.